Welcome to Joe Shows How. This week’s tip solves a common kitchen problem: how to effectively and safely display recipes while prepping a meal. All too often recipe cards are placed on the counter or propped against the backsplash where they inevitably get wet, dirty or splashed with some ingredient, which renders them illegible.
Here’s how to keep your recipes out of harm’s way, but clearly displayed for easy reading: First, shorten one leg of a wooden clothespin with needle-nose pliers and then drill a hole through the other leg. Next, screw the clothespin to the back of the face frame of one of your kitchen’s upper cabinets. Tighten the screw just enough to hold the clothespin up and out of the way when it’s not in use, but loose enough so you can easily pivot the clothespin down when it’s needed to hold your recipe.
Another smart way to protect recipes cards and favorite recipes cut from magazines and newspapers is to store them in a small ring-binder notebook that has clear plastic sleeves. Slip the recipes into the sleeves and then just remove the sleeve—with the desired recipe enclosed—and clip it into the clothespin. Hope you find this tip helpful, and happy cooking!